
Typical Schedule for Full Day Program

Greeting: Teachers greet each student and escort the children to the classroom.

Morning Meeting: Children meet as a classroom community with their teacher to discuss the school day and learn about key concepts related to the topic of study.

Music and/or Movement: The children are involved in dance, movement, singing, or playing instruments.

Learning Centers: Centers include art, writing, sensory table, light table, science, dramatic play, table toys, blocks and quiet corner. Children make choices about which centers to play at and materials to add to their work. Children work independently or in cooperation with peers and change centers as they wish. Classroom staff support, facilitate and extend children’s play and explorations. Children may also participate in teacher-led small group activities. Staff also conduct informal observations and collect data about children’s development.

Clean-Up: Children participate in clean-up routine-returning toys and materials to labeled spaces in containers and on shelves. 

Lunch:  The students eat in the lunchroom. 

Recess: Children play outdoors whenever weather permits. Outdoor play includes climbing equipment, tricycles, ball play, digging tools, swings, slides, seesaw, balance beam, bubbles and chalk. When outdoor play isn’t possible, children play in the gymnasium or gross motor room. Indoor play includes yoga, ball pit, slide, swing, scooters, trampoline and ball play. 

Rest Time:  Children rest quietly on their cots. 

Story: Teachers and children explore literature through various experiences including shared reading, recall activities, story discussion, dramatic reenactment, felt-board or visual sequencing.

Small Group:  Teachers introduce new skills or concepts, model appropriate use of materials, teach routines and pose questions or challenges. Children are offered opportunities to play games, explore new materials/skills/concepts and practice learned skills. Small group experiences vary throughout the week and include activities focused on literacy, math or science. Staff conducts observations and collects data about children’s development.

Journal Writing: A variety of writing experiences are planned.

Wash-Snack-Wash: Students wash their hands before and after snack.

Singing: Students sing songs and finger plays. Songs will be added to the newsletter so you may sing at home.

End of the Day Review: Students meet together to discuss the events of the day.

Dismissal: Bus students are escorted to their bus by the teacher. Parent pick up students are escorted to the dismissal room. 

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